A Safer, Cleaner Home with Essential Oils
For tried and true, fully tested cleaning recipes see our Tear Pad.
See our label sheets for labeling your creations.
Are you ready to detox your chemical cleaning routine? Here's some amazing, safe, and effective recipes to get you started!
Recipe for DIY Tile Scrubbing Paste with Essential Oils
• 1 cup baking soda
• ¼ cup liquid soap, such as Dr. Bronner’s
• 1 Tbsp. white vinegar
• 10 drops lemon or rosemary
Make it. Combine and store in airtight container. Add water if mixture is too thick.
Recipe for DIY Simplest Disinfectant Spray with Essential Oils
works perfectly with our 16 oz Spray Bottle
• 10 drops essential oil (such as lemon, melaleuca, thyme, or basil)
Make it. Add oil to an empty spray bottle and fill with water. Shake and spray on surfaces.
Recipe for DIY Window Cleaner with Essential Oils
works perfectly with our 16 oz Spray Bottle
• 1 cup white vinegar
• 1 cup water
• 2 drops lemon
Make it. Add to spray bottle. Shake well.
Recipe for DIY All-Purpose Cleaner with Essential Oils
works perfectly with our 16 oz Spray Bottle
• 1 ½ cups white vinegar
• 2 cups hydrogen peroxide
• 10 drops melaleuca
• 10 drops essential oil (such as lemon, melaleuca, thyme, or basil)
Make it. Add ingredients to 24–32 oz. spray bottle and fill with water. Shake and spray on surfaces. Wipe clean.
Recipe for DIY Carpet and Upholstery Freshener with Essential Oils
Make it. Combine 20 drops essential oil (such as lemon, melaleuca, purify, or basil) and 3 cups baking soda. Cover, let mixture rest overnight. Sprinkle on carpets or upholstery to freshen and deodorize. Wait several hours or overnight. Vacuum.
Recipe for DIY Floor wash with Essential Oils
• 1 gallon of water
• ¼ cup white vinegar
• 5 drops lemon or melaleuca
• 2 drops liquid soap
Make it. Combine all ingredients in a bucket.
Wash floors.
Recipe for DIY Furniture Polish with Essential Oils
• ½ cup olive oil
• 10 drops lemon
Make it. Combine. Polish wood or leather with soft cloth.
Recipe for DIY OVEN CLEANER with Essential Oils
• 1 Tbsp. liquid soap
• 1 ½ cup baking soda
• 5 drops lemon
• ¼-½ cup white vinegar
Make it. Combine ingredients in a bowl. Consistency should be a spreadable paste. Add water to thin if needed.
Brush onto oven interior, coating all surfaces. Let sit until dry (about 8 hours), then scrub.
Recipe for DIY Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Essential Oils
• ½ cup baking soda
• ¼ white vinegar
• 5 drops essential oil (such as lemon, melaleuca, thyme, or basil)
Make it. Pour water into the toilet bowl until it drains. Sprinkle baking soda into toilet bowl. Add essential oil. Scrub with a toilet brush. Pour in vinegar and scrub as needed. Let mixture sit in toilet. Close lid and flush.